About Birch Hill Bookkeeping

At the same time, there were some small businesses in Wolfeboro who had hired Jim to perform bookkeeping services for them. It was a struggle to balance the work-time at the bank, along with working nights and weekends with clients.
The opportunity came for Jim to purchase a computer (a Digital Equipment Corporation Desk Mate) and he went into self-employment on a full-time basis. The first company was called Granite State Business Services.
Clientele grew and Jim purchased a small building in downtown Wolfeboro and moved the business to that location. He added staff and two more computers. (Oh the days of 8 inch floppy discs ….).
One large client needed staffing for a period of two years, so Jim went to work there on a full-time basis, keeping some of his smaller clients and closing Granite State Business Services.
After the two year contract ended, Jim went back to being self-employed and opened Birch Hill Bookkeeping & Consulting. With clients in the States of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine,Jim keeps reasonably busy in his business of

You can often find Jim on the road, laptop securely in his briefcase, along with his companion dog, Samantha. He works out of his home in Moultonborough, New Hampshire; on his boat (somewhere on Lake Winnipesaukee); or at the various offices of his clients. And yes,Samantha travels with him (she’s a Registered Service Dog).
Jim was born and brought up in the Braintree, Massachusetts area. His parents bought a summer home on an island in Lake Winnipesaukee in the mid-1950’s, and so the family summered there each year. Jim learned to swim, water ski, and to operate a boat early in life and, in fact, had a boat of his own before having a driver’s license!

As he matured, he added instruments to his playing skills. Some of them include the pipe organ, the baritone horn, the Sousaphone, and thetuba. In fact, Jim plays most of the bass brass instruments from Soprano Trombone to the Tuba, along with the piano and organ. Mostrecently, he was the Tuba player in a Brass Quintet known as the Brass Bandits.

He loves the Lake. He has a boat on which he can spend the night (kept in a boat yard on the Lake), which he and Sam (and invited friends) have been known to cruise parts of the Lake during the warmer months.Jim also has a canoe and a kayak. Sam thoroughly loves riding behind Jim in the kayak, trying to catch the water as it flows by. She wears her life jacket, too!

Educationally, he holds an Associate of Science degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Management; a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with an Accounting Major; and several certificates in Theology Studies. Further, he continues his accounting and income tax education on an annual basis by attending seminars and webinars of interest with an eye on staying abreast of the many changes in the accounting/bookkeeping field and the changes in the Federal Income Tax Laws.
James W. Hill
PO Box 101
Moultonborough, NH 03254-010